Small and green at first glance Yoda doesn't seem too intimidating but get him riled up and he will whoop you with his knowledge of the force.
In the Star Wars movie Luke goes to the Dagobah system to seek out the Jedi master Yoda. Luke crashes on the planet and finds this little green creature who, he believes, can't be the great Jedi master. Luke later learns that this small, green creature is the Jedi master and begins training with him. There is a scene where Luke says to Yoda that he is trying to which Yoda replies, "Try not. Do or do not. There is no try."
What profound words from such a small and meek creature but I think they are words that we can all learn from. We have all had situations where we have tried and failed. I think that what Yoda is hinting at is that if we truly believe then anything is possible. Instead of calling it the Force we called it God. All things are possible with God. When we are with God and we pray to God, He will not let us fail.
If we bring glory to God in all the things we do then we cannot fail in the ultimate purpose. When we try to do things on our own we will never be successful in the ultimate purpose. So try not. Do or do not. There is no try. Peace and God Bless
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