Monday, November 7, 2011

A Lamp Unto My Feet

Your word is a lamp for my feet,
a light on my path. I have taken an oath and confirmed it,
that I will follow your righteous laws. (Psalm 119:105, 106 NIV)

Have you ever tried to walk in the dark without a light? It's pretty hard to do. I mean sometimes you might find the right path and sometimes you might walk into the coffee table. When we are walking down this path that we call life we need a lamp and a light otherwise we might take a wrong turn.

God is the lamp and the light. He is the way we need to follow. He is the one who can help us on this path.

I read a tweet recently that said, "in God we trust literally means trust yourself! There is no one out there to help you." This bothered me because I realized that this tweeter didn't have a lamp or a light. He was banging into the coffee table and he didn't even know it. I wish this story had a happy ending but sadly when I tried to reach out to this person it was met with hostility. I sent a DM to this tweeter and reached out trying to show them that there was someone out there to help and that someone would help no matter what and would always be there. Sadly the response was not good. But I will continue to pray for this tweeter and everyone else without a lamp or a light. Peace and God Bless

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